Myrmidon. [mur-mi-don] Noun.
1. Classical Mythology. one of the warlike people of ancient Thessaly who accompanied Achilles to the Trojan War.
2. Adventurer. elite athletes, veterans and you.

1. Classical Mythology. one of the warlike people of ancient Thessaly who accompanied Achilles to the Trojan War.
2. Adventurer. elite athletes, veterans and you.
Safety has priority!
Myrmidon takes the safety of all personnel extremely serious. Starting during planning and not ending until a post-expedition After Action Review (AAR) is complete, risk and risk mitigation drives all discussions and decisions. Our team has vast training
and experience in Operational Risk Management in both military and civilian environments. The Myrmidon team implements risk mitigation and management practices it has used on the battlefield, in offshore oil & gas drilling, power plant project management, and collegiate coaching to ensure that all planning has been viewed, analyzed, and discussed in detail from as many angles as possible.
In order to maximize the safety of all individuals, Myrmidon Standard Operating Procedure calls for:
• Wilderness First Responder (or equivalent) trained lead cadre on all outdoor trips at a minimum.
• Avalanche awareness trained cadre when operating in avalanche prone terrain.
• Won’t exceed 3:1 member to guide ratio.
• Appropriate communication devices to call for emergency on all trips.
• Buddy Team integrity - no individual will be alone.
• Go/no-go criteria established during planning phase of all events and understood by all cadre.
• Confirmation brief to be given by cadre to management before beginning any Myrmidon event.
While the Myrmidon Risk Mitigation Plan meets or exceeds all insurance requirements and land use regulations, Myrmidon Expeditions and our affiliates can make no guarantee of safety while operating in the outdoors.